It's with great trepidation that I start this blog.Hopefuly it will go away as it proceeds.An unrelentingly stubborn attitude since my childhood days has been to ask myself why before anything and everything and whenever I found the awnser to be nothing I went ahead with my anythings and everythings.Before anybody assails me with accusitions of leading purposeless and meaningless life i must spring up my defenses.The question why, is unawnserable.Every why has a why preceding to it.You can always awnser a how,when,what,where with a self surprising alacrity (and brag about it later)but a why will always stop you dead on your tracks.Hence the question why should i start a blog met with awnser that exists before your eyes.The more realistic question of how his slothiness will maintain it is quite this juncture a henry ford quote springs to my mind..."nobody can think straight who does not work for laziness warps the mind".i must say quotes of virtue and fear have an uncanny resemblance.Both erupt in mind at the least pleasant and most inconvinient moment.But then for the time being i shall rest my thoughts that my venerable readership can actually make the question of my maintaining this blog pretty useless with little effort on their part.
I must say I am a great fan lee iacocca.apart from his enemity with henry ford ,my following this great man also arises for him being an industrial engineer and an admirer of the question why.
in his best selling autobiography(which i brought really cheap from dilli gate and would firmly recommend the place to the still uninitiated) he starts of with tackling the question why he wrote the book,here is an excerpt:
"why did i write it?certainly not to become famous.the telivision ads for chrysler have already made me more famous than i ever wanted to be.and i didn't write it to get rich.i already have every material thing a person would need.that's why i am donating every penny i earn form this book to the joslin diaetes center in boston"
unfortunately,due to my lack of both fame and riches but still a desire salvage a moral victory for my logic forces me to justify this blog a bit.
I shall be writing this blog as a thanksgiving,an ode to my circuitous life at every turn of which i have found pleasant particular,i owe my thanks iitr,wona and litsec,a heart warming gratitude which i shall never need to express(the pioneering words:in dosti,no friendship,no thanks,come to mind).I always went through great blogs during my schooldays but its only because of some of the more awsomer personalities that I metamorphesized from writing the selfcentred diary(due to some fiendish schoolteachers:write your personaldiary in the two months hols and show it to me!) to this open blog.This blog also owes its existence to nargis,pallavi and kahsmaksh,zindagi ki which are presently being watched by my mother on the altar of passive entertainment,whose grim and eternal sadness have forced me to look for an "unrest cure"and hence inspired to my present endevour.the first three italicized words refer to to hindi serials and that to on dd 1 (sorry)and the latter italics contain the name of one of the greats short stories i have ever read by my favouritest author.
ps:My future posts may contain poems and short stories and long words........i may suffer from caligynephobia but not hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia(a rapu-eseque duh,it means fear of long words).I shall always consider pneumononoultramicroscopisillicovolcanoconiosis in my fifth class and wona interview as my finest moments.
pps:The genre will be mostly comic for saki and calvin and hobbes are my greatest inspirations in life.This can also be seen as a rebellion against mademoiselles pallavi,nargis et al who seem to be married to unhappiness both literally and metaphorically.
ppps:Contrary to what others may say or feel,I happen to like pp..s.they are a pretty to useful tool to assail the reader with unnecessary and unsettling information.
With this I rest my case.
The Internet Personified: The Best Books I Read In 2023
My beloved bookworms!
It is here! My annual “these are the best things I read all year.” I’d like
to do a little ceremony around each one, because really...
1 year ago