This post owes its existence to facebook.I had resolutely decided that on the 26 dec 2009,i will login into that "no adjectives can sum it up" site,no more than once.I did not set any time for logging out as i did not want to be too hard on myself.Moreover this was purely an experimental action without any aim.It did not have the remotest of relation to "NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS",which i consider to be an unnecessary exercise of futility and vanity.Unfortunately i had devoured my stipulated quota at 12.01am and at about 12.20 in the midst of a highly entertaining chat,the light went off destroying my scheme to exploit the only lacuna of my experiment as elucidated in line2 of the post.luciferous, i tell you.
This is why in the morning,after finishing with the newspaper i felt extremely vacuous and to stave of the devilish fatuities of an empty mind,i am posting.So much for the environment that resulted in this miracle,now the issue.
Of late i have been thinking.Before your "spasmodic sarcastic stunningly stupid smile" at this obviously intended self deprecating humour let me add that i was thinking about the "7 deadly sins",an issue barely dwelt upon by the minds of the average mortals.Although (unfortunately)inspired by a facebook quiz,the nobility of this introspection must not be clouded by its very "un" bourgeois source. And yet again,although i wrote the last statement as a commentary to the reader,the thought that facebook was a low pedestal for the highly intellectual me, was my very first thought,undoubtedly a product of my own pride.I seriously feel angry at myself for my convoluted thoughts.But i will have to end this post on an inconclusive note without going into the details of what i actually thought about those sins, else it will become too long.Undoubtedly this is an excuse garbed for my "slothiness" and the impeding lunch time where with 5 days to vacations getting over,i know i will eat like a glutton.Another reason why i wish to end this post midway is because i need a topic to write in future.GOD,how i envy those guys who just need their pens to produce epics and with the advent of laptops not even that.
On this inconclusive incoherent note i end,looking forward to what promises to be a tortuous day.What the frikin' hell was it that i wrote on fb to which "Really? No No No.. I don't agree!It's all farce.. I tell you!"was the response(as my gmail faithfully tells me)?????????
The Internet Personified: The Best Books I Read In 2023
My beloved bookworms!
It is here! My annual “these are the best things I read all year.” I’d like
to do a little ceremony around each one, because really...
1 year ago